Wednesday, February 20, 2008

RASL meeting this week!

Join us on Thursday, February 21st at 5pm in the SCILS lounge. We'll be doing a craft and sharing lesson plans and program ideas for school and public libraries.

If you have a tried and true lesson or activity that you would be willing to share, please e-mail Alicia at ablowers at Attach your plan and any associated documents to the e-mail. Be sure to indicate the age level (we need everything from babies to teens!). We'll compile all submissions and distribute the packet at our meeting.

Hope to see you there!


Kristi(e) said...

Alicia and I decided not to hand anything out in paper format, since these are all web links. We're both very green people. After the meeting, we will post the appropriate links into a pathfinder blog post.

Renee said...

Cool, even better! :-)