Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Hi everyone!

Ahh yes, it's been awhile - can I blame it on the hectic-ness of the school year getting into full swing? Hope everyone's classes are going well so far! Please remember, if you have any questions or anything we can help with, feel free to email us!

Anyways, we're working on getting things together for the Oct. meeting. We're hoping to make the focus of this meeting "Professional Development & Certification", and answer some of the questions you all (and us too) had about getting certified, the PD courses, and field work. We're trying to see if Ross Todd, Carol Gordon (our 2 faculty advisers) and someone from Prof. Dev. can stop by to give a little chat. This is all tentative, so as we get confirmation, we'll let you know!

We're looking for a new secretary for RASL as well - the secretary is primarily responsible for recording meeting details - if you are interested or have questions on the position, PLEASE email us! It's a great way to boost your resume!

Also, as discussed, here is a link for the NJASL (New Jersey Association of School Librarians) conference for 2007 - it's Nov 14-16 - they are looking for volunteers, so if you're interested at helping out, please see the following link:

This is a GREAT opportunity to meet a lot of the movers and shakers in NJASL, make some great contacts, and find out some vital information, so take advantage of it if you can!

That's all for now - we'll keep you posted about the meeting details as they unfold to us!

Chrissy George

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


What do YOU want to see RASL do for you this year? Ideas? Let us know!!


Does your question/comment not fit into any of the other categories? Throw it here!

Policies and Procedures

Am I NOT allowed to take something? Do I need to get permission for classes? Ask your rules and regulations questions here!

RU "Stuff"

Where do i get my ID? How does parking work? Ask your questions about Rutgers related services (not SCILS specific) here!


So, what REALLY is the deal with this NJ certification? Ask your questions here!

Programs of Study

Have a question about what classes to take? What order to take them in? Ask it here!

First Meeting a Success!

A Thank you!
Hi everyone!

Thanks to all of you who came out to the meeting yesterday afternoon - we met a lot of new faces, saw some old ones, and had a great conversation (and some tasty fondue and pasta)!!

Some Points
- I know starting at SCILS IS overwhelming, no matter how old or young you are. Rest assured that EVERYONE is nervous - so it's ok!

- For those students who are looking to go into public libraries/childrens and youth services, it may have seemed like all we disussed yesterday about classes revolved around ed media. That's mostly because the ed media program of study is so exact and structured because of ceritfication in NJ. This structure is fairly new and, I think even the powers that be in Trenton don't exactly "get it" - hence the confusion and the discussion always leadng back to certification.

Do not despair, public librarians - we will have many more conversations about topics that are children's and youth service oriented across the board!

Pep Talk #1
It was GREAT to hear so many people speak up and give their opinions! There were lots of questions about classes, plans of study, certifications, etc. I hope we tried to ease some of your fears and stresses about the program. Trust me, it's all completely normal - I went home after the orientation and cried!

BUT the GOOD NEWS is that will go away! Starting a grad school program in ANY subject is stressful and takes some getting used to - so PLEASE don't let that get the best of you!! You CAN do this, you CAN get your studies done - just keep repeating that!

Q & A!
Soooo, the pep talk now being out of the way, I had mentioned what a help posting your questions and comments and answers that were brought up in the meeting (and whatever came up AFTER the meeting in your heads) will be helpful to us, you guys, and any students who couldn't make it to the meeting.

Here's the deal. I've broken up the categories of what kinds of questions we were asked into separate blog posts. Comment with your question or remark to the appropriate category. If we don't know the answer, we'll find someone who does. After a week or so, I'll post ALL the questions and answers in its own post - this way you'll have an "unofficial guide to the Ed Media/SCILS program at RU" to refer to, and we can use it for future SCILS students as well!

Feel free to post thoughts too, that aren't exactly questions - those are a help as well!

Sooooo, start thinking about those questions - post 'em to the right topics - and next week, I'll compile them all with the answers and post them! PLEASE sign your name though!

Still In a State of Confusion? Pep Talk #2!
I just want to mention that being confused is normal. I came from an undergraduate background that was very structured and told you, each semester, exactly what to take. Rutgers doesn't always tell you everything about everything - a lot of times, unfortunately, you have to find answers out yourselves - about programs of study, about ids or loans or whatever. Fellow students and professors are THE BEST resource for finding out information that isn't laid out in black and white (and red) on the website.

What we hope to do with the next few posts is answer your questions and comments about the programs and general "stuff" at Rutgers so you feel a little more secure. I know it's tough - my undergraduate program at The College of New Jersey was much more straight forward. And it's a double edged sword with education media - there are rigid guidelines to follow but at the same time, HOW to follow those guidelines is not always straightforward. That's where RASL comes in - we can talk to other professors, administrators, and even members of NJASL (the New Jersey Association of School Librarians) to find answers for you and for ourselves.

So I guess what I am trying to get at is - DON'T WORRY!

Thanks again for coming out yesterday - keep checking this blog back for more information, and get to posting your questions!

Chrissy George, Co-Pres

Monday, September 10, 2007

First Meeting of the Year (and other meetings)!!

Hey guys!

Make sure you stop by to RASL's first meeting of the year!

Monday, September 17, 2007 at 5 PM in the SCILS lounge on the 2nd floor - we're going to meet the officers and our faculty advisor, Carol Gordon, and our new members! Come to the meeting with an appetite and some ideas for what YOU want to see RASL do - we'd like to discuss some events for the upcoming year, and hear from you guys too!!

And, as always, food and refreshments will be provided - this meeting, we're going to have a FONDUE POT with warm cheddar fondue and dipping items - YUM!

So come by early, late, stay for the entire meeting or leave early - it's up to you! We're very informal, so don't stress about not being able to make it for the whole time!

The meeting schedule for the rest of the year is as follows - all meetings will be held in the 2nd floor SCILS lounge, unless otherwise noted:

Monday 9/17/07, 5:00 PM: Semester Meet & Greet

Tuesday 10/16/07, 5:30 PM

Monday 11/12/07, 5:00 PM

No December Meeting
Holiday Party in Dec./Jan. to be announced

Wednesday, 1/30/08, 5:00 PM

Thursday, 2/21/08, 5:00 PM
3/26/08, 5:00 PM

Wednesday, 4/16/08, 5:00 PM

Thursday, 5/1/08, 5:00 PM: Year End Get Together

We have plans for other events throughout the year, also!

Thanks for stopping by!
Chrissy George


Hello everyone, and WELCOME to RASL's blogspot page!!!

This blog is being used by the Rutgers Association of School Librarians (RASL) to update students and members of events and issues in the young adult and children's library world - school or public. We'll post information about our meetings, current events that might affect you, stuff in the news and industry, etc.

Note that we've been having some problems with our Rutgers website, so be assured that this site will carry the most current information.

The library and information science field is constantly changing with new issues and technology. and blogs are becoming mainstream and a great way to stay informed. We here in RASL are proud to explore this new vehicle for discussion. While we only have meetings once a month, the blog will be constantly monitored and updated - so please know that you HAVE support throughout your program at Rutgers, online or on campus, and on the job after graduation.

While the officers of RASL are the only ones with the password to the site, we've enabled it so that ANYONE can leave comments - with or without a Blogspot account (which is free, btw, if you'd like to join). We just ask that you please leave your full name at the end of each comment if you sign in anonymously so that we know who is posting.

Have a topic that you'd like some feedback on? Email to us, and we'll post it as an entry - this way you can receive advice, comments, and info from your fellow students!

And, please - don't be shy! We're ALL here to help and support each other!

We're also pleased to have a way to meet and talk with the online students. The Rutgers online program has students from all reaches of the world - some as far as China - and a commute to New Brunswick every month for an in person meeting isn't always easy! So we'd like to give a special welcome to the online students who are reading this - know that while you may not be on campus, the support of a student organization is still at your fingertips!

With all that being said, I'd like to remind you all of basic netiquette - - please visit them at the link above before posting. While this is not a website supported by Rutgers, we all still need to abide by the basic rules of respect and manners.

So grab a cup of coffee, take a seat, and start reading and scrolling! Every opinion and thought is a valid one, and we're all friends here - so don't be shy or nervous to post! We're all here to support each other throughout this journey and after graduation!

Thanks for reading,
Chrissy George
Co-Pres of RASL
RASL Officers:
April Bocchino, Co-President:
Chrissy George, Co-President:
Emily Weiss, Secretary
Darren Heiber, Membership & Marketing